product 14 ---


Memento is a persuasive system supporting people with mild cognitive impairment or mild dementia to organize their daily activities promoting an independent life.

Our design research showed the need for a combination of the advantages of virtual and material tools as well as the integration and adaptation of existing hardware and software systems. The reference to trusted organisational systems such as a notebook, desk or wall calendar and a wristwatch increases the acceptance of the system by potential users.

The MEMENTO-product family consists of two different devices:

Main Device: The MEMENTO-notebook consists essentially of a marker and two writable E-Ink tablets. If the notebook is not in use or does not need to be loaded, it can be positioned at a defined location as a desk or wall calendar. If required, it can announce time, date or the next appointment visually or acoustically.

All-Day Device: Based on the same technologies and materials as the main device, the MEMENTO-watch is a daily companion and reminder to organizing the next appointment, medication and much more.

The notebook of the calendar and the clock are archetypal objects that do not stand out in everyday life and do not stigmatise the user as a patient.

Design Team: Stefan Moritsch, Kathrina Dankl, Fritz Pernkopf, Katharina Bruckner

Consortium: Virtualware (SP), AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH (AT), Medical University of Vienna (AT), Wetouch (AT), Università degli Studi di Perugia (IT), Integris (IT), Bidaideak (SP), Citard Services Ltd (CYP)

Time frame: 05.2017 – 10.2019



The project is partially funded by the Active and Assisted Living (AAL) Program which is supporting projects developing Information and Communication Technology (ICT) which is improving the Quality of Live of older adults. National subsidies come from the benefit program of FFG.

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